O femeie pe cinste! (2004)
A Good Woman
Luni dimineata (2002)
Lundi Matin
Afinitati elective (1996)
Le Affinità Elettive / Elective Affinities
Orlando (1992)
Ochi chyornye (1987)
Oci Ciornie / Dark Eyes
Anastasia (1986)
Anastasia: The Mystery of Anna
Inocentul (1976)
L'Innocente / The Innocent
A Matter of Time (1976)
Il Giardino dei Finzi-Contini (1970)
The Garden of the Finzi-Continis
Ghepardul (1963)
Il Gattopardo / The Leopard
Maja nuda (1959)
The Naked Maja
Razboi si pace (1956)
War and Peace
The Earrings of Madame de... (1953)
Madame de...