Capat de drum (1997)
Road Ends
Inamicul public (1997)
Most Wanted
Eraser (1996)
Reactie in lant (1996)
Chain Reaction
Corbul: Orasul Ingerilor (1996)
The Crow: City of Angels
Vanatorii de recompense (1996)
Bounty Hunters
Baieti rai (1995)
Bad Boys
Sarutul mortii (1995)
Kiss of Death
Eliberatorul (1995)
Crying Freeman
Secunda fatala (1995)
The Hunted
Dosarul Pelican (1993)
The Pelican Brief
Alt filaj (1993)
Another Stakeout
Noaptea judecatii (1993)
Judgment Night
Stai! Ca trage mama! (1992)
Stop! or My Mom Will Shoot
Comoara care ucide (1992)
Foc incrucisat (1992)
Rapid Fire
Ringul de foc 2: Sange si otel (1992)
Ring of Fire 2: Blood & Steel
Furie dezlantuita (1992)
Rage and Honor
Pasarea pe sarma (1990)
Bird on a Wire
Alte 48 de ore (1990)
Another 48 Hrs.